Default Heads
Heads that come unlocked with Borderlands 2 to begin customization.
Unlockable Heads (Main Game)
Tradable heads that can be unlocked through game play.
3ng13 |
Alienati0n |
Blast Shield |
C0al Train |
Crafty |
G4l4h4d |
Handsome Jack's Mask |
M0t0cross Marauder |
Nihilism |
Punk |
Raz0r |
Unreality |
Handsome Jack's Mask: The mask is obtained several ways. Handsome Jack always drops a purple mask (blue during single player on PS3) that can be unlocked for any single character. The Warrior and the Handsome Sorcerer may drop a legendary mask that is class specific and unlocks for every character of that class, like all other in game customizations.
Unlockable Heads (DLC Content)
Tradable heads that can be unlocked through DLC content game play.
B0ne H3ad |
d00med |
D4rk Expl0rer |
G0ry Gh0ul |
The Dark Within |
0-Lantern |
DLC Package Heads
Paid DLC heads that are unlocked in the customization menu directly. They are account-bound and cannot be traded. The special edition head comes as a single inventory item, which can be traded.
Aer0dynamic |
Ech0location |
Infern0 |
L0rd of Blades |
Murder of Cr0ws |
Special Edition: F0rg0tten |
Other Heads
Heads that are unlocked through other games/means. They are account-bound and cannot be traded.
Are Y0u Still There |
I D0 Declare |
Goliath |
Vault Veteran: Arachn1d |
Default Skins
Skins that come unlocked with Borderlands 2 to begin customization.
Unlockable Skins (Main Game)
Tradable skins that can be unlocked through game play.
The Torgue High Octane and Torgue Explosiveness skins can also be obtained from Torgue Vending Machines in Mr. Torgue's Campaign of Carnage.
Amber Assassin |
Bandit Blood and Rust |
Bandit Incineration |
Bandit War Paint |
Better Red |
Blood and Bone |
Blue Bot |
Blue Scarab |
Burst Fire |
Cyanide |
Dahl Efficiency |
Dahl Elite |
Dahl Predator |
Dark Night |
Enigmatic Executioner |
Flowers On Your Grave |
Full Purps |
Green-Eyed Monster |
Harmonious |
Haze of Violence |
Hyperion Heroism |
Hyperion Honor |
Hyperion Hornet |
Jakobs Family |
Jakobs Filigree |
Jakobs Old-Fashioned |
Maliwan Elegance |
Maliwan Grace |
Maliwan Style |
Minecraft |
Moral Gray Area |
Ninja Star |
Pink Pandoracorn |
Pinky Has a Brain |
Racer |
Red-Eye |
Red Shirt |
Reptilian |
Right Angle |
Skyblood |
Spider Bite |
Sting Like a Bee |
Streamlined |
Sunblasted |
Tediore Customer Service |
Tediore Low Price |
Tediore Value |
This is HEV-y |
This Skin is Cyan |
Top Brass |
Torgue Explosiveness |
Torgue High Octane |
Torgue Speed Demon |
Tsunami of Bullets |
Vault Suit |
Vitamin C |
Vladof Freedom |
Vladof Revolution |
Vladof Sickle |
Whiteout |
Who You Callin' Yellow |
Why So Serious |
Wish Upon a Star |
Unlockable Skins (DLC Content)
Tradable skins that can be unlocked through DLC content game play.
L0rd of Darkness |
The Pandora Chainmail Massacre |
Vigilant |
DLC Package Skins
Paid DLC skins that are unlocked in the customization menu directly. They are account-bound and cannot be traded. The special edition skin comes as a single inventory item, which can be traded.
A Cleansing Fire |
Like Cl0ckw0rk |
Obsidian Justice |
P0wer T00led |
Special Edition: Fired Up |
The Nature of Fear |
Other Skins
Skins that are unlocked through other games/means. They are account-bound and cannot be traded.
Are Y0u Still There |
D0n't Get My Dander Up |
Gearbox |
Pandoran Legend |
SHiFT Promotional Skins
Tradable skins that are unlocked through temporary SHiFT code promotions.
Emerald Assassin |
Hornet's Nest |
Tiptoe Through the Tulips |